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When a caterpillar pupates, it sheds off its final layer of caterpillar skin. After shedding, its body is no longer in its larva (caterpillar) stage. The creature has become a pupa! In butterfly species, the pupa is called a chrysalis. For more detailed information about pupation, please:


TCL Original Videos â€¢ Accomanying Narratives •  TCL Pupation FAQs and Teaching Guide 

Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia)

What happens to a cocoon-spinning caterpillar’s body once it’s inside its cocoon? Watch this video to find out!  Click the link below the video for a detailed explanation of what’s happening here.

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Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)

How do butterfly caterpillars pupate? Check out this example of the process!  Click the link below the video for a detailed explanation of what’s happening here.

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Buck Moth (Hemileuca lucina)

How does a spiny caterpillar look when it pupates? Watch this video and see!  Click the link below the video for a detailed explanation of what’s happening here.


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Regal Moth (Citheronia regalis)

What happens when one of the world’s largest caterpillars pupates? See for yourself in the video below!  Click the link below the video for a detailed explanation of what’s happening here.


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